【书艺公社讯 邢秀山报道】为了庆祝建国六十五周年,颂扬人民警察牺牲奉献精神、缅怀公安英烈、展示警营艺术风采,3月30日上午,由全国公安文学艺术联合会、全国公安书法家协会、中央国家机关书法家协会和中国画院联合主办的“我的心·方玉杰书法作品展”在北京中国美术馆隆重开幕。
方玉杰:1973 年出生于河南省南阳市,初师刘尊法先生,后师从欧阳中石、张同印等先生。毕业于首都师范大学中国书法文化研究院,全国首届书法专业艺术硕士(MFA)。现供职于公安部宣传局,曾荣立个人二等功一次,三等功四次。为全国公安书法家协会副主席(曾兼任秘书长),中央国家机关书法家协会主席团成员、常务副秘书长,全国公安文学艺术联合会理事,中国画院理事,中国书法家协会会员,中华诗词学会会员。
曾获得全国公安系统书法大赛一等奖、全国第九届书法展提名奖、全国第二届草书大赛二等奖、全国第三届青少年书法大赛一等奖、全国第一届大字书法展三等奖、“王羲之故居”全国书法大赛金奖等。先后数十次参加全国书法展,在国内外6 次举办个人书法展览,出版12 本书法专著,书法作品作为国礼赠送丹麦、意大利、圣马力诺、日本、韩国等国家和香港、澳门等地区,被国内外多家场馆、机构收藏。
Fang Yujie,born in Nanyang City, Henan Province in 1973, has been instructed by master calligraphers including Liu Zunfa, O’yang Zhongshi and Zhang Tongyin. He was graduated from Chinese Calligraphy Cultural Research Institute of Capital Normal University, and is among China’s first group of Masters of Fine Arts of Calligraphy. At present, he works in the Propaganda Bureau of the Public Security Department,and has been awarded with one second-class merit, and four third-class merit as an individual. He is Vice
Chairman of National Public Security Calligraphers Association, Presidium Member and Vice Executive Secretary-General of Central State Organ Calligraphers Association, Director of National Public Security Literature and Art League, Director of China Academy of Painting, Member of China Calligraphers Association and Member of China Poetry Academy.
He has won the first prize in the National Public Security Calligraphy Competition, nomination prize in the 9th National Calligraphy Show, the second prize of the 2nd National Grass Writing Competition, the first prize in the 3rd National Youth Calligraphy Competition, the third prize in the 1st National Characters Calligraphy Show and the golden prize in the “Hometown of Wang Xizhi’National Calligraphy Competition,etc. He has attended national calligraphy shows for about ten times, held six individual calligraphy shows both at home and abroad, and published twelve monographies on calligraphy. His calligraphy works have been Taken as State gifts to Danmark, Italy, San Marino, Japan, ROK, Hong Kong, Macao and many other countries and regions, and collected by many venues and institutes both at home and abroad.
Fang Yujie integrates the philosophies and aesthetics of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism in his writing and masters all the five Chinese calligraphy styles. Reputed as a “gentle calligrapher”, his writing presents both a romantic and a historical feeling, takes on a flexible, harmonized, robust and energetic appearance and revels an elegant and upright cultural spirit.