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[出版] 《中华骄子》杂志社美国办事处成立

发表于 2014-2-17 08:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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8月23日,由中华和平发展促进会主办的《中华骄子》杂志社在美国成立办事处."江山代有人才出,各领风骚数百年".在悠悠中华的历史长河,中华儿女英才辈出。一代代炎黄子孙,龙的传人传承中华民族的优良传统,为全人类社会文明进步的诸多美好事业中,延续着国人情怀,世宗香火;传承着华 夏文化美德与优良传统,以其执着的追求、顽强的拼搏以及啸傲全球的洒脱,创出了人生伟业的辉煌,昭示一个民族焕发出前仆后继、百折不回的神圣的民族精神和 智慧。
  《中华骄子》杂志社办事处主任李兆银表示:《中华骄子》杂志是以“彰显炎黄子孙成就,展示民族整体风采”为主皆,设有<政商要人>,<书画人生>,<华人世界>,<两岸情缘>,<慈善人生>,<军营人生>,<巾帼英豪>等栏目,不但对中华民族优秀儿女卓而不群的聪明才智、先进事迹、非凡经历以及多 彩生活作了全面、系统的研究和介绍,更为宣传、文化研究部门、史志部门和资料情报室、图书馆等提供一份可资参考的资料。所以,此书的编辑出版,应具有较高的使用、交流、研究和收藏价值。
来稿联系人:    李兆银
电话(传真):212 -233-8768

 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:00 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:01 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:02 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:03 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-17 08:03 | 显示全部楼层
"The establishment of the project" the magazine USA Office
    In August 23rd, the Chinese Peace Development Promotion Association sponsored "Chinese pride" magazine was established offices in USA. "Generation is a talent, the talent for hundreds of years". In the long Chinese history, Chinese talents come forth in large numbers. All the children of the Yellow Emperor from generation to generation, descendants of the Dragon inherit the fine traditions of the Chinese nation, as many good career for all the progress of human civilization, the continuation of our feelings, Sejong incense; inheritance of Hua Xia culture and fine tradition of virtue, in its pursuit, tenacious struggle and free and easy leading global, a life of Albert brilliant, declare a national glow, thus pushing forward despite repeated frustrations of the sacred national spirit and wisdom.
    To create a brilliant performance as the record of tens of thousands of excellent sons and daughters of the Chinese nation's precious life experience and they, will become the sons and daughters of spiritual wealth, in the majority of readers' expectations, "the pride" magazine was born.
    "The pride" magazine office director Li Zhaoyin said: "the magazine is" to "highlight all the children of the Yellow Emperor achievement, display of the national overall style", a "political and business man >, < painting life >, < Chinese world >, < love > < on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, charitable life >, < > barracks life, < > column heroine hero, not only to the Chinese nation outstanding children Zhuo without Kwan's one's ability and cleverness, advanced deeds, extraordinary experience and colorful life is studied and introduced a comprehensive, system, more publicity, cultural studies department, Shi Zhi department and information intelligence room, library and so provide a reference data. So, the editing and publishing, use, exchange, research and the collection should have high value.
    In order to better choose Chinese pride to the international expansion of Chinese pride, "" propaganda, communication and influence, "pride of China" magazine established an office in USA, participate in the establishment of beauty Donghua United Chinese Association honorary president Yang Gongde, chairman of the Fujian Federation of USA Yu Guangwu, USA Fujian Fu Qi association chairman Lu Jianshun, chairman America Art Association Cultural Chinese offices Yang Yinguan, director Li Zhaoyin, member of the Huang Chunyun, Wang Yongxiang, Li Yongqin, Huang Jianzhong, Zhang Xiaolin, Zheng Shiting, Hua Renhua (USA area included) overseas Chinese on the local residence country contributed all construction and in local Chinese have certain effect. Wish "pride of China" in the world. Most brilliant luster
    The Chinese peace development promotion association president Li Yuming, "the pride" magazine company president and editor in chief Liao Gengu sent a congratulatory telegram. American newspaper, World Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Ming Pao Daily news media interviews
The contact person: Li Zhaoyin
Telephone (fax): 212 -233-8768
Portable: 917-723-7372
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