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发表于 2008-8-21 08:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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学术主持 朱青生
招待酒会:2008年8月16日 下午4:30

Curator - Zhu Qingsheng
Hold by - Being 3 Gallery(B10 797Road 798 Art Zone, Beijing)
Duration - Aug 2 - Aug 29, 2008
Openning - 4:30pm Aug 16 2008


      2008年 瑞典“卡廷娜托”中国当代水墨邀请展邀请 瑞典
    首尔书艺双年展 韩国首尔
    “字迹 ,痕迹” 大尺幅抽象画20人联展 中国北京
    “自有我在” 当代中国艺术表现 美国佛罗里达
    2007年 中日韩现代书法二十人展 韩国首尔
         “从汉字出发 ” 邵岩现代汉字艺术展 中国北京
    “墨缘100 中国 宋庄水墨同盟第二届名家邀请展” 中国北京
2006年 中国“艺术书法”百家优秀作品展 中国美术馆
    1976—2006中国水墨文献展 中国南京
2005年 “首届 国际书法双年展” 韩国首尔
2004年 “汉字作为资源艺术展” 澳大利亚悉尼
    “气韵于扩散”国际现代书法展 韩国首尔

        2003年 韩国全北书法双年展 韩国全州
    香港艺术公社“二十年来汉字于书写的新经验” 中国 香港
2001年 国际书法文献展 中国 台湾
1999年    “二十世纪中国书法大展” 中国美术馆
“1979—1999世纪之门.成都.中国当代艺术邀请展” 中国四川
1998年 法国首届中国书法大展 法国巴黎
1996年“笔底传情”中国当代书法二十人展 美国哥伦比亚

  Biography of Shao Yan
Shao Yan was born in Wendeng City, Shandong Province in 1962. He used to study in Fine Arts Specialty of Shandong Laiyang Normal School and Calligraphy Art Laboratory of China Central Fine Art College. He currently is a free artist in Beijing and holds a concurrent post as an especially hires expert of Rong Bao Zhai Academy and the vise-president of Calligraphy Research Institute in Traditional Chinese Painting Academy of Jiangsu Province.
Major Exhibitions:
2008 China Contemporaty Ink Art Invitation Show   Sweden
     Seoul Challigraphy Biennal     Seoul Karea
     Handwriting and Trace - Big Size 20 People's Exhibition Beijing China
     Where I Am - Contemporary Chinese Art Show   Florida US
2007 Embark From Chinese Character - Shao Yan's Solo Show Being 3 Gallery Beijing
2006 China ‘Art Calligraphy’ Outstanding Hundred Art Show  China National Art Museum
  China Literature of Ink Exhibition, 1976-2006 Nanjing, China
Contemporary Calligraphy Exhibition of 20 People from China, Japan and Korea  Seoul, Korea
  China Contemporary Calligraphy Invitation Show  Beijing, China
2005 The First Session of International Calligraphy Pair of Year Unfolds Seoul, Korea
2004 ‘Chinese Character as Resource’ Art Show  Sidney, Australia
  ‘Chinese Character Scheme’ Unfolds  Beijing, China
2003 North Quanzhou Pair of Year Unfolds   Quanzhou, Korea
2001 International Calligraphy Literature Exhibition   Taiwan, China
1999 Eighth Session China National Art Exhibition of Mid and Young Artists (Second prize Awarded)   China Art Museum
‘1979-1999 Century Gate-Chendu-China Contemporary Art Invitation Show’  Sichuan, China
Mainland China Real Power Faction Calligraphy Works Exhibition Hong Kong, China
‘Bashu Soldiers Counting’-Chinese Modern Calligraphy Retrospective 99-Chendu Sichuan, China
‘Three Swordsmen’ Show-Shao Yan, Yang Lin and Liu Yi China Art Museum
Third Session China Front Couplet Calligraphy Exhibition Beijing, China
Twentieth Century-China Calligraphy Greatly Unfolds  China Art Museum
1998 First Session Chinese Modern Calligraphy Exhibition in France Paris, France
1996 ‘Cordiality From Brush’ China Contemporary Calligraphy 20 People’s Group Exhibition Colombia, US
Second Session China Front Couplet Calligraphy Exhibition Beijing, China
1986 Second Session National Art Exhibition of Mid and Young Artists (Outstanding Prize Awarded)  China Art Museum
Major Published Works:
‘Three Swordsmen Modern Calligraphy Works Collection’
‘Modern China Well-known Young Calligraphers’ Hi-Quality Works Collection-Shao Yan’s Volume’
‘Today Museum Art Calligraphy Nomination Calligraphers’ Selects Collection-Shao Yan’
Public Collection:
Silk Road Foundation, US
Times, US
Northeast Bank Group, Italy
Skill Leads Gallery, Hong Kong
Art Commune, Hong Kong
Sidney University, Australia
Ji Zhen Zhuang Gallery, Malaysia
Mulpa Space Gallery, Korea
Shanghai International Exhibition Center, China
Shenzhen International Exhibition Center, China
Beijing Today’s Museum
‘Ke Yuan’ Museum, Guangdong Province, China
Three Water Museum Yantai, China
Beijing Kechuangjiaming Art Museum
China Central Fine Art College Museum
Hilton Hotel Beijing
《达摹》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:39 | 显示全部楼层




Modern Calligraphy, Abstract Art – A Brief Evaluation of Shao Yan’s Work

Zhu Qingsheng

A major resource of abstract art in China is modern calligraphy.
Shao Yan has his own consideration and choice in this field of art. He has avoided the path of just drawing words in his earlier works. To be different with some modern calligraphers such as Zhang Guangyu, Wang Fangyu, Gu Gan, etc, he focus on creating works by the structure of the words.
When he give speech in the master course of modern calligraphy research in Beijing University, his talk about his understanding of characters can not be accepted by the people there as a very important place for ancient Chinese. But from a point view of art study we can see another kind of value exist in his works. This kind of value is not explaining words. The target of philology is to explain pronunciation, shape and meaning meanwhile Shao was focusing on shape and meaning without touching any thing about pronunciation in philology.
On the other hand the artist displayed all kind of possibilities of the way to construct words. As philologers, for example, to the word ‘sea’, they will consider is as a standard word at first, and point out its variant and borrowing form, and then they will simplify and induct the complicated phenomenon to a typical formula by scientific method. On the contrary, Shao Yan as an artist is providing complexities as many as possible. There are unlimited possible writing ways by Shao Yan for the word ‘Sea’. We have to mentioned INOUE Yuichi, he took several years, almost his whole life to write one word ‘’. That can be considered as the peak station of this kind of writing.
Shao Yan did not stay at the relationship between brush and ink as a big issue of calligraphy. He has turned to strengthen the power of structure’s expression. The structure of character could create the visual power. This is a very important contribution to human civilization by the modern calligraphy as a kind of abstract art. And Chinese character, as a kind of symbol, its means of contracture are much more abundant. There used to be many different structures for one word. Shao Yan focus his effort on structure which is the major field of calligraphy.
Shao Yan’s new works shows his craving to Chinese character. He shows the process of the meaning of character’s symbolizing. If such kind of meaning can directly reach people’s feeling through an image, Shao Yan’s experience has exceeded the structure of Chinese characters and he has fully used the symbol and metaphor of ink painting. In the past we can see the ocean itself from his works of ‘’(the Ocean) that have different style and appearance of ocean, but not abstractive, only a direct expression. But from his new works we saw new effort that Chinese character has been hidden and the meaning of a noun word became an abstractive concept.
《凤凰印象》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:40 | 显示全部楼层


Artist’s Brief
Chinese character is from the abstractive image of the characteristics of natural subject. But when it shows out as linguistic factors, it becomes such specific symbol that makes us forget the abstract and fantastic structure, even almost nobody remembers the circumstance of the ‘shocking of universe and crying of god and ghosts’ when it was born.
The changing of space within the structure of Chinese Character envelops all rhythm and order under visual art. In the development of abstractive art, the symbols in the abstractive kingdom have been borrowed and used by western artists out of the circle of Chinese culture. Unfortunately they can not break the code in its form combination and the backward philosophical and esthetic meaning because they can not read and understand the characters.
The art of Chinese writing is common resource and wealth of human being. Abstractive expressionism, emotional art and Chinese Character art are all contributions to visual world of mankind. Every step on our road is a progress of revealing, every creative work is a discovery and judgment of self-value in the process.
When I looked inside the categories of art around calligraphy I have experienced. I always get rid of the common discovery that people discovered in their body and mind experience as if by prior agreement. Such as the image by moving brush in the highest speed and the contrast relations between curving and straight, circle and square, big and small, face and back are all exist just as the born of Chinese Characters. This is the common sense in human brain. We can find such kind of characteristics in the art of early Europe, Egypt and Africa. And what an artist manages in his work is the method of combination and how to show the rhythm and order.
The usage and behave of every kind of material always give a feeling of ‘met before’ in the field of mechanism and expression. But the connection of art conception and spiritual intension can not be copied. The limit expression in the sudden of Chinese handwriting is also a coordinated tracing of human brain and visual experience. It is very alternative and colorful.
The best combination among the factors of structure and restructure, and the status of expression in an instant are directing my current work. They are different with the barbaric of willfully wielding and sprinkling, and also different with sole and redundant.
《裹》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:40 | 显示全部楼层
《极地1》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:41 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:43 | 显示全部楼层
《甲骨梦》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:45 | 显示全部楼层
《净界1》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
《漫》 多种材料  油画板 50X60CM  2008.jpg
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-21 08:48 | 显示全部楼层
《秦王朝》 多种材料  油画板 55X70CM  2008.jpg
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