本帖最后由 金沙石 于 2010-11-28 20:16 编辑听人讲起笔迹学(graphology, the study of handwriting), 把她抄来的“基本原理”抄来这里,方便参考。此学问虽然是西方人所发明,但似乎对于书法也有所启发。有兴趣的人自然可以搜索资料看看。
1.When we write, the ego is active but it is not always active to the same degree. Its activity waxes and wanes based on emotion./当书写时,人的自我意识不会保持一致,会随着(情绪)奋力而改变。
2.The structure of every word by writer reflects their attitude towards the outside world./笔画的结构方式代表了书写人面对外部世界的态度。
3.The size of work indicates the self-awareness./字体的大小是自我意识的反映。
4.Join-up writing reflects the consistency between thought and action/连笔程度反映着思维与行为的协调性。
5.Direction of movement of writing indicates independence and social relationship./字的方向是人自主性及与**关系的反映。
6.Speed of writing relates to speed of comprehension./书写速度与人理解力的快慢有关。
7.Layout for whole article implies writer’s view to outside and his way/整篇文字的布局反映着书写人面对外部世界的态度。 {:1_175:}
连笔程度反映着思维与行为的协调性。 学习了 字为心画