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发表于 2008-4-11 10:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    2008年中央美术学院 中国画学院 30个研究生 国际交流展 『TOGETHER-同行』 是由韩国文化院援助的国际性友好展,作者来自韩国,中国,日本,美国,泰国,越南等30个不同国家,现就读于中央美术学院中国画学院。韩国文化院自2007年开院以来,驻华韩国文化院已成功举办各种大型文化活动,旨在支持和推动韩,中和世界各国的文化交流。中央美术学院是代表中国高等艺术水平的教育机关。迄今为止,已有几百个外国留学生在此学习生活过。


    此次展览会让观者更亲切地感受传统绘画艺术,同时在增进世界各国人民友谊层面上有重要意义,值得关注。参展艺术家: 中央美术学院 中国画学院 硕士研究生 30个人
中国(15)  丛 艺, 齐鹏飞, 刘书移, 曲巍巍, 颜海蓉, 张 猛, 袁玲玲, 苏 锐,焦 洋, 李 鹏,王云磊, 景 岚, 张 亮, 张学峰,张 岩
韩国(8)   赵世琅, 林钟显, 全峻模, 尹瑄英, 李汉贞, 晋民旭, 贾娜沿, 金现夏
日本(4)   仙洞田 文彦, 金泽友那, 口田真纪, 安藤美香
泰国(1)   丘智帝
越南(1)   黎春勇
美国(1)   米翊宸(Stephen Rice)
展期:2008年5月23日(周五) ~ 5月31日(周六)
* 开幕式时间是5月23日(周五)05:00 pm
展览位置:驻华韩国文化院 地下一层展厅
咨询电话:65016566-206#,303#,401# (开放时间:周一~周五,上午 9点~下午6点)
网站: http://china.korean-culture.org

—The International Exchange Exhibition for 30 masters from Painting Academy, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, 2008


TOGETHER is an international exchange exhibition supported by Korean Cultural Service, China. The participants are students of Painting Academy, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, from 30 different countries including Korea, China, Japan, U.S., Thailand and Vietnam. Korean Cultural Service was founded in 2007. Since then, a great number of cultural activities have been successfully held, aiming to support and promote the international cultural exchange among Korea, China and other countries. China Central Academy of Fine Arts is an educational institution representing the standard of the higher art in China. Up to now, hundreds of foreign students have been studied and lived there.
The theme of this exhibition TOGETHER is rooted from one of the characters of Korean—“unite”. Ancient Korean people loved to put out their best curio, painting and calligraphy collections, to appreciate with friends while enjoying their teatime. Nowadays, we live together and create art together, in such a “together process”, we wish we could be life-long-friends and make our effort to accomplish our art works. Besides the traditional knowledge we get from class, we also aspire to pass on our individuality through the frame. On the basic of different concepts and painting skills from different countries, to display and create a modern and personalized art world is the goal and responsibility of us students.
This exhibition, with great significance in promoting the friendship of world people, will provide a good chance for the viewers to feel the traditional art. It’s worth paying close attention to.
Participants: 30 masters from Painting Academy, China Central Academy of Fine Arts
China (15 participants): 丛艺 齐鹏飞 刘书移 曲巍巍 颜海蓉 张猛 袁玲玲 苏锐 焦洋 *** 王云磊 景岚 张亮 张学峰 张岩
Korea (8 participants) 가나연 김현하 윤선영 이한정 임종현 전준모 조세랑 진민욱
Japan (4 participants)   仙洞田文彦 金泽友那 口田真纪 安藤美香
Thailand(1 participant)   丘智帝
Vietnam(1 participant)   黎春勇
American(1 participant)   米翊宸(Stephen Rice)
Duration: May.23, 2008 (Fri)- May.31(Sat)
          9:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Opening: May.23, 2008 (Fri) 5:00pm
Location: Exhibition hall on 1st floor underground Korean Cultural Service No.1 Guanghua xili, Guanghua Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Tel: 65016566-206#,303#,401#

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