云峰画苑除国画外,还长期展出 油画、水彩、版画、雕塑等其他艺术作品,题材广泛、风格炯异,以满足不同艺术爱好者和收藏家的需求。
In the Chinese art circle, whenever people mention the name of the artist, Liu Maoshan, the images of Jiangnan, as depicted by Mr. Liu, are full of romanticism, affections, and beauty. Innumerous lovers of art are attracted by his works; many artists in China are anxious to study and imitate them. Meanwhile, a number of indolent painters would go so far as plagiarizing and faking Mr. Liu’s painting in order to make a profit. The massive plagiarisms and fakes are certainly unfair. However, it can be seen from his works that Liu’s unique esthetic consciousness and unrivalled craftsmanship are founded on a solid cultivation in both Chinese and Western art. The immense vitality of these works is nourished by the deep feelings of the artist himself. So, one can tell the difference between the genuine and the faked just by a simple comparison of the two. In short, the fakes have not caused any harm to him. On the contrary, they testify to the great impact of the genuine works.
Looking back on Mr. Liu’s creative career, we can see that ten years ago he emphasized lines and texture as a major means of expression to achieve good esthetic effect. It has already been noted that his paintings possessed a unique quality then. About six or seven years ago, he came up with a more distinct and compelling style with an organic synthesis of lines, blocks and colors by large brush-stroke. This marked the maturity of Mr. Liu’s road of art and it is also a landmark in his career and has consolidate his position in the Chinese art scene.
Liu began his tours in U.S.A. and Europe a few years ago. Scenery of foreign countries has broadened his artistic horizon and ignited his creative incentive. He started exploring the possibility of using oriental artistic language and esthetic perspective for the presentation of American and European scenery. With painstaking and persistent efforts, he overcame numbers of creative hurdles and attained just as many breakthroughs. Eventually. A series of spectacular paintings about exotic scenery emerged. These works embody a perfect artistic vision as they have not also absorbed a number of new elements. Liu’s diligence has allowed him to present the scenery of the world through Chinese artistic language with ease and grace. This series of paintings can be regarded as another great achievement of the artist. In fact, the formation of a distinct style is already a rare achievement. It is even rarer when the style is substantiated by a high level of craftsmanship. As for an enterprising artist who persists in exploring new dimensions, we can be certain that he is a genuine artist who would never be forgotten and would always be honored in the art history. Such is not only the indispensable element of success for masters of all ages, but it is also the reason why more and more lovers of art and collectors are confident in Mr. Liu’s art.
云峰画苑 Wan Fung Art Gallery
Tel: 010-65233320 Fax: 010-65253466
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